Having a hard time getting sleepy...guess I'll update this thing :)
So this past Monday marked 17 weeks! It's very exciting to say that since we've never gotten this far before :). Since my last post we saw the doctor again last Monday and they didn't do an ultrasound, but we did get to hear the heartbeat-151 bpm :) Since I had seen some light spotting, she also checked to make sure I wasn't dilated, which luckily I wasn't.
Our next ultrasound isn't until the end of November, which seems like so long, but I guess that's part of having a regular pregnancy :). We've thought about getting a heart rate Doppler, just for that reassurance whenever we want. Another thought was to get a basic ultrasound done at a place like Womb with a View, here in town, to get a little peek in a couple of weeks, so we don't go 6-7 weeks without getting to see our little gummy bear :)
Physically, I either am completely exhausted or super charged with energy. I have "popped" out a little bit, but it's hard to see unless I wear form fitting shirts, which I've been avoiding at work, because I was waiting until Halloween to announce my pregnancy (tomorrow!). For some it may look like I've been eating a pizza a day for lunch :) but my belly has started to round out and has gotten firmer. I've been able to keep the weight off that I lost in the first trimester, despite the growing roundness up in front. I've also started to feel a pulling/pressured feeling at times, which apparently is normal. I've also started to feel a little movement on my left side (where the baby is)! I can't feel it on the outside yet, but when I'm hungry, sing, sitting in my tower class I can feel it moving more.
Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we'll be able to find out the gender :)
I know I'm a dork, but we've been taking some "weekly" pictures and the baby is as long as a _____ picture (in the what to expect book/app it tells you approximately how long your baby is every week, i.e. an orange, poppy seed, cantaloupe, pineapple, etc). I tried to take a profile picture as well so you can see the "bump" :)
Thanks for checking in! :)
Week 15, baby is as long as a navel orange.
Week 16, baby is as big as a turnip (we didn't have one :)),
roughly about 5 inches long.
Week 16 profile. Some of this is me, but I'm definitely
feeling more round these days :)
I'll post my 17 week belly and Halloween baby shirt after tomorrow. This week, the baby is as long as a sweet potato :), about 5 1/2 inches long. Those of you who saw Ethan (baby #2) or saw pictures, he was 5 1/2 inches long so this baby should be about that long now.
We're almost halfway! Here's to hoping everything keeps going well! :)
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